Part D Plans - Real-time Nx Implementation and Testing

Process for Testing Delivery of Real-time Nx Transactions from the Transaction Facilitator to Part D Plans

Step 1 – Submit Request

  1. Click on the support link on the right-hand side of this page.
  2. Choose Part D Plan Real-time N Transaction Testing and complete the necessary information.
  • Part D Plan Name
  • Part D Plan Contract ID
  • Processor Name
  • BIN/PCN for Medicare Part D
  • Is plan a PDP? (If no, this testing is not applicable)
  • Contact Information
    • Name
    • Phone Number
    • Email Address
    • Time Zone (for test scheduling)

Step 2 – Test Data Setup

  1. The Transaction Facilitator will email you a test NCPDPID and test member data needed for testing.
  2. You will load the NCPDPID and test member data into your system to prepare for testing.
  3. You will email The Transaction Facilitator at when that information is loaded.

Step 3 – Schedule and Testing

  1. The Transaction Facilitator will email you the schedule date and time for the test.
  2. The Transaction Facilitator will deliver N transactions during that time.
  3. The Transaction Facilitator will provide you with a summary of the N transactions and your responses once the testing is completed.

You can submit questions regarding the test results to